Sunday, June 19, 2011

Back in the saddle.

Life's been, let's say interesting, the last few months; new developments, some good, some not-so-good. Lots of stories/funny occurrences I've wanted to share with all three of my loyal readers, and just haven't sat down to do it. But I've decided mount up and try to blog at least a couple times a week, since writing has always been a bit of an emotional release for me, even if I'm not writing about the hard stuff.

Also, now that I finally logged on here and checked out a few old comments, I realize how selfish I've been, depriving my public (sorry Ep!) of the little bit of joy my scribblings (can you call them scribblings when they're typed?) bring to their life.

Besides, yesterday, while browsing on for a "Yay you're pregnant!" gift for a dear friend (I won't say who yet on the very small chance that someone might read this that she hasn't told yet) I came across something too completely uh-mazing to not share with you. Check back later today for the details!

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